C A N N 0 N - B R O O K E S L I G H T I N G & D E S I G N
A r t a n d I n t e r i o r L i g h t i n g
A r c h i t e c t u r a l D e s i g n o f I n t e r i o r s

A London based practice, Cannon-Brookes Lighting & Design (CBL) provides a world class consultancy service in the area of architectural lighting and interior/architectural design. It specialises in designing high quality lighting systems in museums, historic buildings and art collections throughout the world. CBL delivers a service that includes design, project management and co-ordination of instalment of lighting in internal spaces and for specific objects. Whenever our projects include modifications to existing architecture of the interiors (such as space remodelling, changes to room layouts, design of built-in furniture, or any other changes to the interiors' architecture), we act both as lighting, architectural and interior consultants/designers, delivering solutions for integrated interior, architectural and lighting design.
Experience and methods
Drawing on a core of 20+ years’ experience and research, CBL has adopted a holistic approach, balancing conservation considerations with the need for coherence in lighting and design of interiors and objects. CBL works closely with specialist manufacturers to ensure the fittings are tailored to meet specific requirements, particularly when lighting single objects such as paintings. Any changes to interior’s architecture follows this principle.
Conservation issues
CBL adopts a highly sensitive approach to the lighting and interior design within the context of historic buildings. As the target is normally an intangible improvement in visual appearance, solutions involve careful integration into existing building fabric and an understanding of context rather than simplistic delivery of equipment. Over the years we have worked with numerous museums where conservation issues are of particular concern and with each and every project a fine balance of lighting quality, interior elements and strict adherence to conservation requirements were achieved.
Integration with interior architecture
CBL's principal partners come from an architectural background. This ensures a complete integration of our lighitng design with the interior architecture of lit rooms. We can act either as lighting consultans, interior/architectural designers or both. Our expertise allows to integrate lighting schemes into architectural drawings and to provides interesting design solutions on occasions when a bespoke integrated lighting system is required, such as in-built systems for objects display or lighting of sculpture or jewellery.
Picture lighting
One of CBL's specialities is providing state-of-the-art picture lighting, from small cabinet-sized paintings to full-length historic portraits. In lighting pictures, CBL has gained a reputation for providing the best light distribution on a canvas, achieving a perfect balance between lighting quality and conservation considerations. For systems of picture lighting used in our projects, please refer to Picture Lights section
Daylight in museums and galleries' ligthing
One of CBL's areas of expertise is design and monitoring of day-lit galleries. Daylighting in museums was a subject of Dr Stephen Cannon-Brookes's Doctorate, and for the last 20 years he has sucessfully implemented his knowledge and experience in this area for completeing a range of museum projects which required an integration of electrical and day-lighting of their collections. Design of day-lit galleries, as well as computerised day-light analysis of existing ones is one of the main specialist fields of Cannon-Brookes Lighting. More about this is in Research section.


Cannon-Brookes Lighting & Design were lighting consultants for the 50,000 m2 Hermitage extension which currently houses the renowned Hermitage collection of 19th century Impressionist paintings, hang in the day-lit galleries. CBL were advising the architects on the design, configuraion and specification of the rooflights as well as electrical lighting of the collections .